917.310.5392 info@viacollective.com
Exploring Data in Design

Exploring Data in Design

Working with SF based Volume Inc, we recently wrapped up a new wayfinding program across Bloomberg’s 15-floors of offices at 120 Park. This project explores how to best communicate the brand through a graphic system that expresses the relevant floor using the...
The Haven Project

The Haven Project

Over the past several months, Via Collective has been collaborating closely with the New York Restoration Project and community stakeholders to develop a wayfinding strategy for the Haven Project, a master plan initiative to build pedestrian & bike connectivity...
New Project | The Haven Project

New Project | The Haven Project

Via Collective is pleased to work with New York Restoration Project (NYRP) in developing a transformative master plan for the South Bronx called the Haven Project. The Haven Project is being designed with community engagement to improve the open spaces and physical...