917.310.5392 info@viacollective.com


The work we do at Via Collective is specialized and niche for the client and location but designed to accommodate the needs of all visitors as they navigate throughout cities, universities, hospitals and transportation systems. We often find ourselves in conversations about the uniqueness of wayfinding as a profession. Be it strategy, design, or interesting new developments with our team or the discipline, we’re excited to share our knowledge and love for what we do.

Navigating the Future: The Unsung Heroes of Wayfinding

Navigating the Future: The Unsung Heroes of Wayfinding

Explore the critical yet often overlooked role of wayfinders in architecture in our latest blog, "Navigating the Future: The Unsung Heroes of Wayfinding." Discover insights from Via Collective's founder, Katie Osborn, on the art of creating navigable, user-friendly spaces, the impact of psychological factors on wayfinding, real-world applications like Randall's Island, and future trends in wayfinding technology.